We’ve Done Your Mother’s Day Shopping: Make Mom (REAL) Happy With a Wine Basement!

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Mom's wino basementScreen Shot 2014-05-09 at 12 24 15 PMHey, she car-pooled you ’till she was blue in the face, did your laundry when the maid was off, and carried you around for nine months not to mention nursing, diapers, and (post-partum) liposuction. The least you can do is treat her to her own below-ground retreat where she can  collect vino and drink all she wants. Besides, recent studies show that 90 year olds who drink a little wine daily, red or white, actually live longer and somehow bypass dementia.
What was I saying?
Sandy Tabacinic runs Farmer’s Branch-based Homecorp, which she tells me is creating massive wine basements & home storage facilities all across North Texas. We are going to be showing you some of these gems in the near future. I hear the money being poured into these wine storage places is almost as much as the mortgages for the homes above the cellars!
It also looks like they may be the best possible place to ride out a storm like the one we had yesterday, and the ones we will continue to have with climate change. She says this is a growing trend in the luxury remodel biz, and we are all over it. We just thought Mom deserves the best, and you might want to start digging.
wine basement install  IMG_0719-2

Candy Evans, founder and publisher of CandysDirt.com, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.


  1. Joanna England on May 9, 2014 at 12:08 pm

    Oh I totally need one of these after the sleepless nights and explosive diapers!

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