Water, Water Everywhere Can Wreak Havok on Your Home

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Every week, the detail-oriented folks at Green Scene Home Inspections will give CandysDirt.com readers an education in inspection. Want to see what they see? Tune in for “Upon Closer Inspection.”

There’s almost nothing we need more than water, and simultaneously nothing more dangerous when it malfunctions. If you’ve ever had a flood or other major water damage, you know how water can wreak havoc on things like flooring, walls, and ceilings — not to mention your stuff!

This week’s column is focused on the ways that water can be a homeowner’s nightmare.

Bubbles in the toilet when you flush – seems innocuous enough. If you see this in a toilet that hasn’t been used in awhile, it may just be that air has built up in the lines from disuse, and once you flush a couple of times, it will go away. If it doesn’t, however, these bubbles could indicate a break in the sewer line, which could lead to major damage underneath your home if left unchecked.

This Gas B vent pipe should have a rubber seal around where it penetrates the roof to keep water from leaking into the attic, but you can see this one is old and damaged. On the inside you’ll probably find something like the next photo.

Here you can see major damage from a water leak in this attic space. The wood is so rotted it almost looks like fire damage.

Water leak? Put a bucket under it. What happens when the bucket fills up and you’re not there to change it? This homeowner will need a Moisture Analysis to find the extent of the damage to the walls and flooring.

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