Think We’ve Got it Bad With This Rain? Pity the Poor Ranchers and Horse Property Agents

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I was thinking the only thing worse than living with all this rain and mud and mess is living where there is a whole lot more mud & mess all the time — like the country. Horse farms. So I reached out to our Farm & Ranch correspondent on, Kathryn Roan, who is ready to hit the next person who says, “but we need this rain”!  Imagine living in the country where there is dirt everywhere, which is now slimy mud everywhere, because the ground has been getting saturated for about 90 days. Almost half the days in April were rainy. And the grass is out of control, but you cannot mow, no way, because tractors get stuck in the mud. So every country property looks like an overgrown jungle. Have they sold out of Snake-Away at WalMart yet?

Arenas have become ponds, and swimming pools have overflowed to the point where you cannot tell where the puddles or pool begin. Sure is fun… who wants to take clients out in this?


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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.

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