Crime Is Creeping Upon Us: Burglaries in the Park Cities, Purse Snatchings at the Corner Gas Station in Preston Hollow

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gas-station-pumpI know it’s sort of typical for fall, but the crime news seems to be on the rise out there.

Take Park Cities: more than half a million dollars’ worth of property was stolen from a Park Cities home on Bryn Mawr last week.  The six-page itemized report from University Park says says the burglar’s booty includes more than 70 pairs of earrings with a combined value of $170,550, nine wristwatches with a combined value of $102,250, 50 rings with a combined value of $101,180, 25 necklaces with a combined value of $71,050, Nine bracelets with a combined value of $45,450, Nine brooches with a combined value of $10,950, $2000 cash, an iPod, laptop and a $350 hairpin.

This poor homeowner now has nothing to wear!

Then I have just heard that one of my neighbors had her handbag stolen from her car as she was gassing up in Preston Hollow. The police say gas station burglaries have recently increased. Be sure to lock up your car when you are filling up to keep your belongings safe. In fact, it’s a good idea to keep your car doors locked all the time. It’s such a pain to juggle credit cards and keys while you are filling up… but do it, lock up.

Oh how I pine for the years of my infancy when we had these fine people called “gas station attendants” who filled your car with gas for very little extra… sometimes for free!




Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.


  1. […] Crime Is Creeping Upon Us: Burglaries in the Park Cities, Purse … […]

  2. […] Crime Is Creeping Upon Us: Burglaries in the Park Cities, Purse … […]

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