Did We have Some Fun on April Fool’s Day? Oh My, Yes!

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Sorry if we “got cha” yesterday, April 1, April Fools Day. It is a CandysDirt.com tradition to fool you on April Fool’s Day. We had three April Fool’s posts. So naughty.

One, Jon Anderson’s “Tinder Home” post, which I thought was brilliant and am trademarking that name tomorrow. Move out of the way, Zillow, Tinder Home is on its way! Though this sentence, “But the real money is in selling user data”, may not have been so April Fools-y.

Two, Bethany’s very crafty “O” home of a McMansion at 401 (get it?) Narre Lane in Savage Gardens, Narre being Danish for “fool”‘, and the Realtor’s name (Dia Daspetas) literally means “April Fools Day” in Portuguese. Why Portuguese? Hell if I know.

Bethany actually hid the fact that this was an April Fool’s story IN the story. And Savage Gardens? That’s a late 90’s, early 2000’s music group (though it would be a great name for a Dallas neighborhood since we once had a mayor named Savage, 1949 to 1951, father of Dorothy and Virginia. Virginia Savage McAlester is the grand dame who saved Swiss Avenue, who wrote the seminal bible on architectural style we worship here at CandysDirt. I don’t know if readers believed us but the lover’s toilet, the basement access from the walk-in closet, the S&M torture chamber in the actual basement, and the “ballroom” are usual components of our “O” homes… and you do know what an “O” home is, yes? No April Fooling there!

Then there was the granddaddy of them all, the Fort Worth Zoo story, the brainchild of our Fort Worth Editor Eric Prokesh, who is brilliant. Also multi-talented as he is an award-winning interior designer.

The Zoo story broke our servers at about 4:00 pm, we had so much traffic. Of course, they are not selling the world-famous Fort Worth Zoo to a developer! The story proved two things: (1) we have a whole lot of readers in Fort Worth and (2) readers really trust us! I felt a wee bit badly that we had fooled so many, but honestly, all of real estate is kind of one big April Fools.

Which is why it has become our favorite holiday.

Hear us now: it is a CandysDirt.com tradition to FOOL you on April Fool’s Day, and ONLY on April Fool’s Day.

Before this year’s Zoo story, the best year was when we posted that the Crespi estate, then owned by Tom Hicks, was being sold to Costco for a convenient Preston Hollow store. I know, who would believe that, hello zoning? That post resulted in MULTIPLE telephone calls by the biggest muckety-mucks in town, and I think we took it down… maybe not.

Sorry if we had you going. Sorry if we caused a few heart flutters. The City of Dallas had some fun yesterday, too, posting on it’s Facebook page a pink house, “on today’s Landmark Commission agenda, an application for paint-colors on a non-contributing structure, applied without a Certificate of Appropriateness.”


Then the Dallas Morning News ran a story about a Trump hotel coming to town on land owned by Mark Cuban; not sure if that one is an April Fools joke or not.


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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of CandysDirt.com, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.

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