Has Your Air Conditioning System Had Its Annual Check-up?

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By Brenda Masse
Special Contributor

Summer is just around the corner, and that means we’ll soon be switching our air conditioning units to hyperdrive to combat the Texas heat. Since an AC is only as cool as its least efficient component, now is a great time to make sure your system is working as efficiently as possible.

This week we’ve shared some photos and videos that show how good AC maintenance will keep you cool while keeping energy costs down.

Seal Your Vents

This thermal camera image shows that while cold air is coming from the vent, all the hot air from the attic is also coming through and around the vent. So the AC will have to work harder and longer to cool the space because it’s not properly sealed.

Have Your AC Serviced

In a furnace cabinet, you need to have both a fresh air supply and an exhaust for combustible air for a safe setup. In this video, the supply air is coming from the attic rather than outside the home, and the moist air from the attic is creating rust. A rusty machine is not running efficiently, and won’t last as long as it should, either.

In this video, the Inspector finds improper materials used on the connections — either a bad DIY job or an uninformed repairperson. Also, PSA: if you’ve got duct tape on your ductwork, you need to have your AC serviced.

Clean Your Components

Between the nasty dirty fins on our outdoor compressors and the dusty, caked-up return vents in our houses, it’s a wonder any of us can breathe. This season, take a moment and clean your intake and return vents.

Your AC unit is trying to cool your home but it has to take take a nice deep breath through this:

Get those HVAC systems ready for major usage this summer with a good cleaning and servicing. And if you’re interested in finding out how to make your home run more efficiently this summer, you can contact us about a Home Energy Assessment.

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