All Flipped Out: What To Be Wary of When Buying a Flip

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Every week, the detail-oriented folks at Green Scene Home Inspections will give readers an education in inspection. Want to see what they see? Tune in for “Upon Closer Inspection.”

One of the things home buyers should be extra wary of when purchasing a home is a one that’s been recently flipped. As home inspectors, we see a lot of mistakes made by flippers who are either 1) trying to move too quickly to flip the home to do thorough work, or 2) not qualified to perform the work and get it wrong.

Even worse, we sometimes see shoddy or improperly done work that has been covered up by flippers, hoping the sale will go through without anyone noticing. Of course, there are some great house flippers who do wonderful work, but it’s a common enough problem that home buyers should be on the lookout.

This week’s Upon Closer Inspection is all about things we’ve found in flip houses.


FYI, you don’t want air registers in the shower. It might sound nice to have a blast of heat during your shower, but the moisture and steam from the shower will get in that vent, and now you have a mold problem. This flipper added a shower but didn’t want to go to the trouble of relocating the register.


This is a brand new tankless water heater that has been installed in an attic without the flue pipe. That means the carbon dioxide put off by the water heater is just leaking into the attic and collecting there, which is a massive health and fire hazard.


This beautiful sink loses its Zen-like appeal when you run the water and it splashes in your face and out all over the floor.


Our Inspector noticed a few things the flipper left out of the bathroom renovation. welcomes articles and op-eds from our readers and brand partners. Think you have a great story to tell? Send us a note at [email protected].


  1. Jon Anderson on May 13, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    I beg to differ on the tankless water heater installation. Clearly the flipper is an environmentalist having created a system for residential sequestration of CO2. It’s genius! LOL

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