Another Town Hall Meeting to Push Transwestern Luxury Apartments Behind the Pink Wall, Tuesday Evening

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Transwestern Landscape-site-plan-Preston-and-Northwest-Highway-575x337That’s tomorrow. Transwestern is holding yet another significant town hall meeting to appeal to nay-saying neighbors, who say they don’t want a luxury apartment complex to be built at Preston and Northwest Highway.

NO-to-Transwestern-DealI know there is a lot of confusion over all these developments. That’s what happens when 10,000 people move to Dallas County each month! Highland House is the tall, luxury apartment high rise appealing to City Hall for a zoning change. Highland House wants to go in in the near dead-center of Preston Center, on Westchester next to Hop-Daddy’s, where an old stucco medical office complex currently exists, alongside a host of high-rise commercial office buildings. This is the project Laura Miller and Mitchell Rasanksy have been throwing their weight to try and de-rail. Laura Miller, in fact, got the project delayed by a month just last week.

The Transwestern deal is the reason for all those “No” signs proliferating around town, though I have no doubt University Park residents may soon have their own “No” signs for Highland House.

Transwestern wants to raze an existing two-story, 24-unit apartment complex and 12 townhomes at the northwest intersection of Prest0n and Northwest Highway. They want to replace it with a series of buildings that graduate to a six-story building, with a total of about 220 units. Originally, Transwestern asked for an 8 story building and has since reduced the size. They have said the building will be high in quality, appeal to empty nesters, and have underground parking.

The  town-hall meeting (hosted by Lee Kleinman) is 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 27 at University Park United Methodist Church. Representatives from Transwestern will present the re-zoning proposal, and a list of pre-registered speakers from the community will voice their opinions. Not sure yet if Laura Miller is going to grab the mike, not sure yet how she feels about this project, though she did tell the Highland House developers last week that “Transwestern did it right” — that is, they met with the community and kept everyone in the neighborhood well informed. Perhaps Laura and her husband, Steve Wolens, will support Transwestern’s development. After all, Steve owns a unit at The Athena High Rise on Northwest Highway, a block or two away.

CandysDirt will be there and cover the meeting, so stay tuned.


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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.


  1. Naima Sumner on May 28, 2014 at 2:18 am

    I don’t understand why these homeowners are against this project. The tax revenue will be tremendous to the area. The land is already zoned for condos anyway, it’s just a matter of approving the number of units. These are not going to be cheap condos, but luxury ones and will likely be better maintained than some of the SFR owned by some of the people that are against it.

  2. Anne Rushing on May 28, 2014 at 10:31 am

    Very good point. By focusing on the traffic, the real issues are masked – current high number of rental units at less then $1.50 sq. ft. and the deteriorating condition of the many complexes – both exterior and interior. Fighting to keep the current Multi-Family zoning will prevent any progress. Supporting it gives the individual condo owners and their complexes options on their future. If they have the financial resources to invest in their complex/property to improve the value and maintain for a long time than they should. IF they don’t – as many do not – then they need true opportunity to get the most value for their property.

    • Candy Evans on May 28, 2014 at 10:59 am

      Joanna’s report on last night’s meeting is forthcoming — I heard it was full of outbursts but Laura Miller stuck to 3 minutes.

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