Second Shelters is About to Have a Sibling: Real Gutsy Dallas Real Estate News Coming Up

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Tony and Candice’s pad

Counting the Braxton-Hicks contractions over here at where we are about to launch a sibling blog called… After much soul-searching, a few wine-laden focus groups, and a whole bunch of email, we have decided to do some organizing. (Ha! Then you get knocked up!) Vacation home news will rule on as it was originally intended to, and will bring you all the LOCAL DFW real estate news just like we did over on DallasDirt. Both blogs will live side by side, promise not to fight over the property line, and will be a click away up there on the BLOGS tab, see it? We are getting so much national traffic on now, and while out-of-state folks love Dallas, they tell me they prefer the focus to be strictly on the second home market. Meantime, I never could stop tracking Dallas/Fort Worth — who was buying and selling what¬† — I do it in my sleep. So the solution was to get preggers create a local clone.

So now, two blogs to double your real estate pleasure. Think of it this way: DallasDirt just got herself some big double-D implants.; she’s going to be bigger, better, and no sagging. Content will also be on You+Dallas, the Dallas Morning News’ Neighbors Go, and BubbleLife. Oh and also Pegasus News.

By the way, I have found that building a blog site is very similar to building a home. Start with a blueprint and go from there, and it is fascinating to watch the virtual walls going up. The only thing I am really bad about is the change orders, and I think right now my graphics team wants to kill me. But I cannot wait to bring you, updated daily, covering as much of the DFW real estate news and dish as I can crank out for all of us real estate junkies. Aficiendos. House porn addicts (oops). We’ll have the usual celeb gossip mixed in with news that I think you need to make smart real estate decisions in this town. Because as local a story as real estate is, we are all affected right now by the constant drone of depressing news on home sales. If sales are depressed in Timbuktu, it’s not local news, no, but guess what: buyers see that in a headline in Dallas and freak! That’s why it’s more vital than ever that I bring you the details, truth, and behind-the-headlines real estate news. And here’s how it can impact you:

A few weeks ago, I spoke to a large group of agents in Colleyville. Chuck Baudrau, senior lending officer at Supreme Lending in Keller, introduced me with a story I had never heard before. Chuck knows an agent in Dallas who says reading my blog (at the time, DallasDirt) actually helped her get a listing and sell the home. She had been talking to a homeowner in Preston Hollow not too far from Daria Drive who was interviewing agents. This agent had been reading my posts about the Bushes circling in on a neighborhood, and she told the homeowner they may want to wait until after the news breaks about the Bushes as it could affect their property value¬† — perhaps positively. The homeowners were so impressed with her insight they gave her the listing and she ended up selling the home.

I broke the news on the Bush home sale three days later.

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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.

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