Can You Spot The Worst DIY Fails in These Home Inspection Finds?

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DIY Fails

It’s time for another round of, “Let’s see who can spot the worst DIY repair job!” Is it on the roof? Under the sink? In the electrical panel? Some of these DIY Fails are pretty epic. Let’s see what you think.

What Should I Do With These Extra Shingles?

DIY Fails

I mean, you’d hate to waste them. Another way to tell if this was a DIY roofing job: I’d be willing to bet there’s at least one additional layer of shingles under the top layer. (Just in case you were unsure — no, you do not need to put shingles on the chimney.)

AC Oversight

This is why you shouldn’t mess with HVAC systems if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you block the return air, there’s no air coming to the unit to cool and send it back out. A flipper who doesn’t know what they’re doing is just a DIY-er who’s selling their project instead of living in it.

A Little Tape Should Fix That

While we kind of love these DIY repair moments where people slap some tape on it and call it good – heck, we devoted a whole column to this very thing — this taped-up ladder is just waiting to kill, or grievously injure somebody. At some point, you have to admit it’s time to buy a new ladder.

Hot is Cold, Cold is Hot

What’s another project you shouldn’t DIY unless you know what you’re doing? Plumbing. This reversal of both the sink and the toilet means it’s a bigger problem than just the faucet being reversed, which is a relatively easy fix. The pipes in the walls or floors could be reversed, or the reversal could be at the water heater. Either way, this is a job for a plumber.

Which of these DIY Fails do you think is the most egregious? To avoid stumbling into one of these repair mishaps, don’t try to DIY when you don’t have the know-how. And when you’re purchasing a home that has had recent renovations or has been flipped, make sure you have a thorough home inspection to check for any shoddy workmanship. If you catch it before the sale, chances are you can have a licensed pro fix, or at least assess, the damage beforehand.

Brenda Masse is a freelance contributor for

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