Who’s Ready For Fall Home Maintenance Tips?

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Fall Home Maintenance

After one of the worst summers ever, I think everyone in North Texas is on board with the first part of that question, anyway. It’s officially fall, and while the temperature may still be in the 90s most days, pumpkins, Halloween decor, and earth tones are busting out all over. The season is changing, and that means it’s time for some fall home maintenance. So grab yourself an iced pumpkin spice latte, and let’s dive in.

Check Your Gutters

Both of these pictures were taken recently, so even though it’s only been fall for about a minute, those leaves are already piling up. Falling leaves and other debris from wind and storms don’t just happen during the fall, anyway. As we move into a rainier season, it’s important to check your rain gutters and downspouts. Clear them of debris, run water through them with a hose or power washer to ensure there are no clogs, and make sure everything is attached securely to your house.

The first photo is a rain gutter with no screen, and the second is one with screens. Some people are under the misapprehension that if they have screens, they don’t have to clean their rain gutters. Nope! Having screens does make cleaning easier, though, and cuts way back on clogged downspouts, mold, and attracting bird nests or vermin and pests who like to hang out in there.

Check your Hose Bibs and Exterior Faucets

DIY home repair fails like this one aren’t seasonal, but during the summer the area around the hose bib or exterior faucet can get dry and cracked, sometimes coming unsealed or loose. Fall is a good time to check these to make sure they are nice and tight and seal up any gaps where critters, pests, air, or water can get into the house. Pick up some silicone caulk for sealing a hose bib, and the correct screws, should any faucets have come loose.

Seal Vents & Gaps

Fall Home Maintenance

As the temperatures cool, critters start looking for places to hunker down, and you don’t want them to choose your house. This handy homeowner gets a flag for excessive use of caulk, but one assumes they were sealing up this crawlspace vent for just such a purpose. Walk your property and check all the openings like dryer vents and crawlspace vents, ensuring they are screened or caged for vermin (not slathered with caulk and blocked completely so they can’t vent properly).

Check The Attic

There are many things that can go wrong in the attic, and I’ve said before, as homeowners, we could all stand to spend more time up there. As the seasons change, it’s a great time to get up there and take a look around. As you see in the video above, try this on a rainy day to check for any leaks. While you’re up there, check your water heater for water in the pan. Change your AC filter. Look for your furnace flues – are they connected? Follow along your ductwork and check for blocked or disconnected ducts.

Check Sprinkler Heads

We saw this video in the spring, but I may share it every spring and fall because it makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. During the summer, your soil may shift, your lawnmower may have hit a head or two, or you may have some heads not functioning, or pointed in the wrong direction. Now is a great time to test your sprinkler heads, check their placement, and replace any that are broken or malfunctioning.

If you have questions about your fall home maintenance, you can have a seasonal home inspection anytime. Enjoy these non-triple digit fall days! And may your blessings be as plentiful as the autumn leaves, and may they not get stuck in your pool filter.

Brenda Masse is a freelance contributor for CandysDirt.com.

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