Cut Cooling Costs This Summer in North Texas (Even Though It’s So Hot You’re Past Caring)

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cut cooling costs this summer in North Texas
Even the ceiling fans are too hot.

We have reached the point in the summer at which I start questioning why I live in Texas, and I mostly just relocate from one cooling device to another in order to accomplish my daily tasks. As I write this, I’m actually in Colorado, where I had hoped for a bit of a reprieve. But Colorado has pulled a fast one, and it’s not only in the 90s here, but these fools don’t have air conditioners most places. Anyway, since all I can think about is air conditioners, and I’d hazard a guess all you can think about is air conditioners, let’s talk about them.

Even though it’s so hot you probably don’t care at this point, when you get the bill you will, so taking the steps to cut cooling costs this summer in North Texas will be worth it.

We’ve shared a lot of advice about HVAC maintenance, how to save money on your energy bills, and staying cool without breaking the bank (or your AC), here at Upon Closer Inspection, so I thought I’d collect some of the best of those tips. We’ve still got at least a couple of months of this hell to get through, and it would be a shame to have your HVAC break down on you.

Keep Your AC Components Clean

cut cooling costs this summer in North Texas

It’s probably time for a little maintenance on your poor, overworked AC components. Have you changed your filter lately? Do your return vents look like this? If your AC components are dirty, the unit isn’t working efficiently. You could be cooler, and your bills could be lower. A little maintenance can go a long way toward cutting your cooling costs this summer in North Texas. Check it out:

Check Out Your Attic

cut cooling costs this summer in North Texas

Have you been in the attic this summer? I know, it’s really hot up there. But there are lots of things up there that can quit working, get disconnected, leak, etc., over time. A quick trip to the attic might reveal a problem that could help you cut cooling costs this summer. Take a look at some of the issues you could find in the attic:

Ways To Cut Cooling Costs This Summer in North Texas

cut cooling costs this summer in North Texas

Your AC doesn’t have to work as hard if you can keep it cooler other ways. And when it is on, make sure you’re not “cooling the whole neighborhood,” like my dad used to say, because your house isn’t sealed properly. (Well, my dad was talking about me leaving the door standing open, but you get the point.) Check out these tips from our inspectors for keeping cool while cutting costs.

When All Else Fails, a Sense of Humor Helps

it's so hot in texaseven the armadillos are moving

You know it’s hot when even the armadillos are like, “Screw it, we’re outta here.” Here are a few home inspection LOLs to get you through the dog days (armadillo days?) of summer.

Brenda Masse is a freelance contributor for

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