Inside Merriman Park Estates With Compass’ Catherine Blevens

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Nobody knows the insides and outs of a neighborhood like the people that live there. But what if the person that lived there was also a Realtor? Boy oh boy, we just might be on to something.

Here’s a weekly feature called…NextDoor. I’m kidding, that one’s taken. I’m not ever going to name it, really, but please know I did consider calling it HoodRats.

What it is, really, is a weekly guide to very specific Dallas (and the surrounding suburbs) neighborhoods with an insider’s POV of what makes each one so great.

Up first, we head to Merriman Park Estates in Northeast Dallas and explore the area through Catherine Blevens‘s eyes. Blevens is part of the highly, highly producing BBR Group at Compass and very recently started teaching a monthly workshop called “How to Buy a House.” She hosted the first one at Vector Brewing which is not only in her neighborhood, but also owned by a local so yeah, she’s pretty plugged in.

Catherine Blevens, BBR Group

What she loves most about Merriman Park Estates? It’s like the suburbs for people that want to stay inside the loop. It really is the best freaking location, too. Aside from two Targets right by you, there are also trails that lead you to White Rock Lake, Lake Highlands Town Center, and Lakeridge Village.

Beep, beep, let’s back it up a bit. What qualifies it as the suburbs for South of 635ers?

Merriman Park Estates Momathoners, Photo: Catherine Blevens

The People – Blevens said they’re unpretentious, no drama, just real people. Sometimes they even form running groups called the Momathoners that train together twice a week and run the Dallas Relay Marathon every year.

Activities – Blevens also said there’s always something going on. People hosting impromptu Happy Hours on their front lawn, trick or treating as a neighborhood unit on Halloween, participating in Merrifest…it’s a scene and a great way to get to know your neighbors. Realtors and non. There’s also a Women’s Social Club and a voluntary HOA with board members.

Landscape – Merriman Park Estates is filled with large, mature trees, and gentle hills, surrounded by a greenbelt and there’s a park at one end that just got a canopy. It’s structured like a typical suburban neighborhood with tons of opportunities to meet, play and drink near and around the people that literally live right next door, down the street, catercorner to…you get the idea. Blevens said she’s a big fan of the hills and that weirdo even likes to run them.

Keepin’ it cool with CANOPIES
Photo Credit: Steve Wilson

The Lots – Since the lots are bigger, there’s plenty of room to add on, modify or build your dream home. Blevens said they’ve recently seen a lot of turnover too as young families move in.

Blevens said, “A few years ago, a couple of moms came together to get as many homes as possible in the neighborhood to do these trees along the front of their lawn. Now the neighborhood has become the Lit Tree destination during the holidays! 

Location – Inside the 635 Loop. Check. Near White Rock? Check and check. Two trails to two separate and delightful shopping centers that have grown like crazy in the last few years? All the checks.

Locally Owned Businesses – It’s like the updated Mom and Pop. Not a lot of chains near MPE and if they are, they’re local (Taco Diner). There are also some of the best locally-owned restaurants like Resident Taqueria and SoCo Bistro, which recently owned a second location that serves coffee and craft food.


Now the numbers. In the past 90 days, the list price of houses was $699,999 to $949,000 and ranged in size from 2,468 to 3,550 square feet.

Home styles in this neighborhood are typically traditional, though there are a few transitionals and even a modern or two. That Farmhouse look is here to stay. Several new builds with brick, siding, and a hint of a metal roof. You know the drill, dudes.

Nikki Lott Barringer is a freelance writer and licensed real estate agent at Briggs Freeman Sotheby's International Realty.

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