Coach’s Corner: You Don’t Have to Be a Jedi to Benefit From The Wisdom of Yoda

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You don’t have to be Luke Skywalker to benefit from Yoda’s lessons. (Image: Courtesy of Lucasfilm)

By Mark Johnson
CEO, JP & Associates Realtors

You heard it here first: I call it “The Yoda Doctrine” for real estate professionals. 

Yoda, a character from Star Wars, is the size of a small dog, green, and talks funny. But his character is also a wise master and a great warrior. He took the world by surprise in 1980 in The Empire Strikes Back and has been creating lessons worth noting ever since. 

So, what does any of this have to do with being a successful real estate sales professional? 

A lot! 

What can we learn from this Jedi Master and apply to our real estate practice? 

Focus On Helping Others Succeed

Yoda spends most of his career coaching and mentoring others. He’s arguably the most powerful Jedi on the council. He could spend all his time on his agenda and growing his strength, but he doesn’t. When you teach someone else, you learn too. 

Leaders Get Their Hands Dirty

Yoda is a sage leader. He takes great pride in teaching. But he also regularly puts himself on the frontline of battle. Leading by example. 

Give Your Full Effort In Everything You Do

Yoda coaches Luke and helps him raise an X-Wing out of a swamp on Dagobah in Episode V. He teaches Luke to do, not try. 

Do or do not; there is no try.


You’re Never Too Wise or Too Old to Learn Something New

It’s never too late to learn something new. You’ll never be too bright or too good at anything. And there will always be someone better than you. You always have room to grow.

Believe in What You Are Doing

When Luke said, “I can’t believe it,” during training, Yoda responded with, “That is why you fail.”

If you don’t believe you will succeed, you won’t; you have already failed. If you are fighting against yourself, how can you win?

Size Matters Not

Neither your physical appearance nor your limitations dictate the quality of your business. Accept who you are. Enjoy – and make it known – the things that make you unique.

Patience Pays Off

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Yoda decides to go into exile. He could choose to spend his time fighting the new Empire, running around participating in minor skirmishes all over the galaxy, but he decides to wait. And that wait paid off in future victory. 

Focus on The Moment

Focus on the task at hand. Spend time in the moment. Be present. It will make you more efficient, and you’ll notice more.

The Best Way to Learn is by Experience

It’s challenging to learn anything if you’re too afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Yoda often taught his pupils by placing them on the field. He let the younglings help Obi-Wan solve a problem in Star Wars Episode II, and he allows Luke to face the dark side cave and leave the system in The Empire Strikes Back. It’s hard to beat real-life experience. 

Never Give up Hope

The end of the Clone Wars brought destruction for the Jedi Order. Nearly everyone Yoda cared for died, and everything he had worked for was ruined. Yoda could have just given up, but he gave it one last try and attempted to stop Darth Sideous. And even though he failed, Yoda went into exile, waiting for a new opportunity.

Even when you think all is lost, there is still hope. And once you choose hope, anything is possible.

So, whether you are a new real estate agent or an experienced Jedi real estate sales master, these ten lessons from Yoda can serve you well as you fight your battles in building your empire. 


Mark is the Chief Executive Officer of JPAR Real Estate, a rapidly growing full-service transaction-based real estate brokerage, the host of “Success Superstars,” a weekly show that highlights the blueprint of agent success, and the co-founder of CoRecruit. He has invested decades in understanding the inner workings of high-performing real estate companies, managers, teams, and their leaders in major markets across the world. Mark has served as a business coach in progressive leadership capacities for one of the largest US-based real estate firms, in sales and customer marketing leadership capacities for a major consumer goods company, and served in the US Army. Mark is a father of 3, a lifelong learner, Spartan, and adventure athlete. He earned his MBA from California State University and a Behavioral Change Certification from the National Association of Sports Medicine.

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