Coach’s Corner: Agent Behaviors That Make a Financial Difference

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Want to make more money? Who doesn’t? Agents who follow these rules turn into top producers.

By Mark Johnson
CEO, JP & Associates Realtors

I’m often asked, “Should I hire a coach?” 

“Should I create or join a small group in my office?” 

“What’s the value of these client events I hear about? “

“Should I hire an assistant?” 

So, I went on a mission to quantify a better answer. We surveyed agents across multiple states and found some interesting data:

What’s the value of coaching?

  • Agents in a formal coaching program earned nearly 50 percent more than those not in a formal coaching program.

What’s the value of being in a small group?

This result was a shocker for me, as I would not have predicted that the value of being in a small group was nearly as powerful as the coaching experience. 

  • Agents in a small accountability group earned nearly 42 percent more than those not in a small group experience.

What’s the value of a personal assistant?

  • Agents who work with a personal assistant earned an average 92 percent more than those who do not. 

What is the value of a written business and marketing plan?

  • Agents with a written plan earned an average 35 percent more than those who do not. 

What’s the value of using a CRM?

  • Agents who did consistently use a CRM earned an average 44 percent more than those who do not.

What’s the value of using a follow-up?

  • Four extra follow-ups are worth on average $80K; try doing that at scale without a CRM
  • Self-reported, those who complete 1 follow up after a lead earn on average $49K 
  • Self-reported, those who complete 5 follows ups earn $130K 

The more you follow up the more you earn. If you are not following up someone else is! Read that one a few times. 

What’s the value of client events?

  • Agents who did three or more client events per year earned an average 46 percent more than those who did not. Brian & Dermot Buffini would be pleased with this stat! 

At JPAR, we have created whitepapers, step-by-step guides, and video tutorials on business plans, team building guides, small groups, hiring your first assistant, transaction management, and more. Reach out to us at and we’d be happy to chat. 

Mark is the Chief Executive Officer of  JPAR Real Estate, a rapidly growing full-service transaction-based real estate brokerage, the host of “Success Superstars,” a weekly show that highlights the blueprint of agent success, and the co-founder of CoRecruit. He has invested decades in understanding the inner workings of high-performing real estate companies, managers, teams, and their leaders in major markets across the world. Mark has served as a business coach in progressive leadership capacities for one of the largest US-based real estate firms, in sales and customer marketing leadership capacities for a major consumer goods company, and served in the US Army. Mark is a father of 3, a lifelong learner, Spartan, and adventure athlete. He earned his MBA from California State University and a Behavioral Change Certification from the National Association of Sports Medicine.

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