JP & Associates Launches New Program to REPAIR America With Open Communication

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On the eve of Juneteenth 2020, Frisco-based JP & Associates Realtors is launching a new company-wide initiative to drive communication about social injustice in the world called Real Estate Professionals Against Injustice and Racism, or R.E.P.A.I.R.

“We want peaceful, constructive action and communication to build mutual respect among all races,” says Giuseppe JP Piccinini, founder of the fast-growing real estate firm and several ancillary real-estate related companies.

Each nationwide office of JP and Associates Realtors will determine what issue is most pressing in their local community.

“Chapters across the U.S. will individually focus on whatever injustice or race-related problems they are having in their specific communities,” JP says.

Topics could be on a range of social issues, including better communication and interaction between law enforcement and the black community, as well as voter registration, disenfranchisement of voters or segments of society, and other topics.

“Our Dallas office has chosen to focus on voter education and registration, and related outreach opportunities,” JP says, explaining that the real estate community is a good conduit to spark communication on important social issues.

As a native of Italy, JP says he is proud to have become an American four years ago.

“I immigrated here at age 13,” he says. “And for 27 years, I had been a guest trying to earn my right in this society.

“My parents sold sandwiches and I washed buses to help pay for college. I worked harder than anyone else to prove my worth. Nothing was given to me. Nothing,” he says. “A culmination of education, decision-making, hard work, some luck, perseverance and of course — America, that’s what got me where I am today.”

When JP finally recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag for the first time as an American, he says he worked hard to be able to chant and sing those words with emotion and fortitude.

“Today, I am saddened by how far our nation feels Godless, divided and yes, unjust on so many fronts. We solve nothing by fighting in the streets, only make the divisions deeper,” says JP. “What we need is constructive communication, REPAIR, and a hopeful spirit which we launch today with this new initiative at JPAR.”

“On the eve of the day that America was federally united against racism and begun the road to repair its greatest sin, it seems just and appropriate to attempt once again to REPAIR this country,” says J.P. “We here at JPAR will do our part.”

Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.


  1. Carly H. on June 19, 2020 at 12:28 am

    This sounds wonderful! But would it be rude to point out that the only time someone makes a fist that shape is in…um…sex? Might wanna rethink that part.

    • Candy Evans on June 19, 2020 at 1:53 am

      I have no idea what you are talking about. I have had sex now for many, many years… and um, well, never would have made that connection. You must have a most interesting life…

  2. Karen Eubank on June 19, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    It kind of looks like a modern version of the Statue of Liberty torch to me.

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