So You Have to Work From Home and Homeschool

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Hey, did you just become a homeschool parent by surprise? Are you also, thanks to the coronavirus, working from home? Are both of those things supposed to happen at the same time?

No, it doesn’t look like this.

No seriously, can someone tell me if those two things are supposed to happen at the same time?


If you, like me, have children who can’t hear you when you speak in request, this time may be troubled and fraught with a lot of breathing into bags and whisper screaming in the linen closet. 

But don’t worry, I’ve come up with the perfect drink pairing for each of the places you’ll want to hide and count to 120,000 during this time of forced togetherness with the same people who farted on your pillow last night and dropped an entire roll of our nation’s new currency into the toilet “by accident” yesterday, who you are also supposed to homeschool.

Place: The Pantry

Drink: The Mooooooooooooooom

If you’re in the pantry, that’s where the food is, and they’re gonna find you, so you need a quick drink. Try ½ apple juice and ½ that Goldschlager someone brought the last time you had a house party, which was before you had kids, and your kid is now 12, in a shot glass. Drink fast.

Place: The Linen Closet

Drink: Straight tequila in Country Time Lemonade, highball glass

Listen, let’s face it -— nobody in your house knows where the linen closet is but you. Towels are things that appear like magic and disappear once you throw them, wet, on the bathroom floor. You can drink there for a very long time. But this is also the age of Amazon Fresh only having half your order, so you’re gonna need to bust into that lemonade powder you bought that one time for a camping trip and never opened because it’s powdered lemonade. Homeschool and working from home await, but not until you are properly prepared.

Place: The Cleaning Closet

Drink: Double vodka tonics in a Yeti tumbler

Friends, your family will never find you here, but it’s also the furthest from the ice. 

Place: Walk-in Closet

Drink: Airport bottles of booze

Need a drink that you can down fast, but fits in your pocket? Airport bottles of booze.

Place: Out in the Open

Drink: All the Wine

Wine says you’re still classy, even when you’ve given up. And even when it’s 11 a.m. However, your family might be on to you if you’re drinking straight from the bottle — so pour it into a cup. I like the 32-ounce yellow one from Dickey’s.

In all seriousness, though, we’re glad you’re taking this shared responsibility to slow the transmission of COVID-19 seriously. Thank you for doing your part, and bottoms up.

Did you miss last week’s Wednesday WTF? Here ya go.

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Adlene has been a real estate writer for the better half of a decade, but only recently came to to write our Wednesday WTF column. Have a doozy of a listing not fit for public consumption? She wants to see it.


  1. Karis Pickens on March 18, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Brilliant and hysterical !! Thank you for the levity.

  2. LonestarBabs on March 18, 2020 at 4:46 pm

    Where can I get one of those big honkin’ drink glasses??????? Must have…I don’t have kids, but am holing up with my 93 year old mother who has dementia.

    • Candy Evans on March 18, 2020 at 5:24 pm

      Oh I have one!

      • LonestarBabs on March 18, 2020 at 7:22 pm

        Good for you! Now, where did you get it? I’m Googling…

  3. Lisa Rofsky on March 25, 2020 at 11:34 am

    Advocating for sneaking alcohol while caring and educating your children is not hysterical, it’s irresponsible.

    • Alicia Fike on March 25, 2020 at 11:53 am

      One hundred percent agree.

    • Candy Evans on March 25, 2020 at 12:16 pm

      Hopefully that was done tongue-in-cheek. I agree, mothering is a job that now more than ever requires you firing on all cylinders.

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