Your Tax Dollars at Work On Strait Lane and Now, On a GulfStream? Dallas Real Estate News…

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Some of us are getting a bit weary of paying more and more in taxes¬† to wake up and learn how the money is being squandered. The case of Anthony Weiner comes to light. This over-testosterone-d idiot, who finally resigned, brings to light two things. One, why do members of Congress get membership in a gym paid for? Most Americans pay for their own gym and pool membership, and Congress can, too. Secondly, he has a second home (or access to one) in the Hamptons — median price $735,000? Third, he will¬†leave Congress with an inflation-adjusted pension of $46,222 a year for life?

Well, that’s Washington, but over here in Dallas on Strait Lane we have our own indignation, the dental empire of Dr. Richard Malouf built on our Texas Medicaid dollars.Thanks to WFAA-TV’s Byron Harris, who uncovered that the state of Texas has put out more than $400 million for pediatric braces since 2008. The money has helped with our real estate market, sort of: Dr. Malouf bought up a big mansion on Strait Lane, then the house next door (at a steal of a deal), and then Sunday Byron reported that another pediatric orthodontic millionaire has a 13,000 square foot home in Frisco with a shark painted on the bottom of his swimming pool. WFAA reports that State Senator Jane Nelson is so outraged she’s¬†added two riders on the Health and Human Services Commission budget, both essentially calling for more oversight. And she¬†sponsored a rider for stricter enforcement of regulations, asking the¬†Inspector General of Health and Human Services to strengthen its ability to “detect, investigate, and prosecute abuse by dentists and orthodontists under Medicaid.” The¬†riders¬†were signed into law Friday by Gov. Rick Perry.

But the horse is already out of the barn. Investigations may end the gravy train, but Byron tells me that Dr. Malouf, who sold his dental clinics to a hedge fund, Valor Equity Partners, has purchased two Gulfstream jets.

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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.

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