Homes, Now Beds: Guy Sells Mattress on CraigsList for One Million, NOT a Duxiana!

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I love Curbed, who tells us “there is no end to the stream of earnest folks trying to pimp out their crappy old stuff on Craigslist. Now there’s a person‚Äîa man, we’re assuming from the Craigslist post‚Äîwho’s trying to sell off a queen-sized Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress for $1M.

Is this nuts? Just very creative. The guy set the price at $1 million, he says, because of the “awesome dreams” he’s had on it. He says he has (in his dreams) “rescued Scarlett Johansson from evil alien warlords and was named MVP in the Super Bowl of a sport I dreamed up called “RUMBLE BALL.”

The price is obviously an attention getting device, kind of like a screaming kid. So the guy says he’ll knock a few dollars off the price — like $980,000 — if the buyer will come get the mattress and take it off his hands.

Genius. But you do wonder what other beds where other dreams took place — real dreams, that is¬† — might fetch in say, an auction.

Arnold's bed

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Candy Evans, founder and publisher of, is one of the nation’s leading real estate reporters.

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