man cave

Why Settle For a Man Cave When The Whole House Could be Covered in Tools And Old Spice?

By Mimi Perez / April 19, 2023 /

My Pop was never happier than when he was in his workshop, with his tools, rebuilding a motor to a lawnmower. Our mowers, much like our cars, could outrun anything on wheels.  The rule was that if we came across a mower being left out for heavy trash pick up, we had to pick it…

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The One With the Man Cave — a Very Serious Man Cave

By Bethany Erickson / May 22, 2019 /
man cave

If you watch enough House Hunters on HGTV you can create a drinking game of it — take a shot every time someone says man cave. Chug a beer when someone says they hate the paint color. One kegstand when the couple announces they each want a style of house that is not at all…

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Old Meets New in Historic Park Hill Spanish Revival

By Seth Fowler / January 22, 2019 /

It’s not easy to do. It takes time, patience, money, and certainly skill. I’m not talking about negotiating the government shutdown stalemate, I’m talking about perfectly mingling new materials and construction into an older home. What did you think I was talking about? Think about it — most contractors want to simply tear down an…

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Just in Time For Christmas: Clay Stapp Lists The Ultimate Car Cave

By Dotty Griffith / December 23, 2016 /

  Somebody better snap this up before Jay Leno hears about the ultimate car collector’s garage. If Leno doesn’t get it first, maybe one of the other nine biggest car collectors in the world will shell out the $5.5 million asking price for a retirement home turned into a 20,000-square-foot garage, i.e. car cave. “It is…

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