Moore Capital

The Ski Report: How is Louis Bacon Reshaping Taos, the "Unresort" Ski Resort?

By Candy Evans / March 4, 2014 /

Our trusted Dallas Addison, lawyer and vacation/recreation home consultant extraordinaire, returned recently from a ski trip to Taos, New Mexico, where the once family-owned resort has been sold to conservation billionaire Louis Bacon. Bacon, the 55 year old founder and Chief Executive Officer of Moore Capital, is estimated by Forbes to be worth $1.4 billion. Late…

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The Ski Report: How is Louis Bacon Reshaping Taos, the “Unresort” Ski Resort?

By Candy Evans / March 4, 2014 /

Our trusted Dallas Addison, lawyer and vacation/recreation home consultant extraordinaire, returned recently from a ski trip to Taos, New Mexico, where the once family-owned resort has been sold to conservation billionaire Louis Bacon. Bacon, the 55 year old founder and Chief Executive Officer of Moore Capital, is estimated by Forbes to be worth $1.4 billion. Late…

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