Cara Mendelsohn: What is The Real Cost of The 2024 Dallas Bond?

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By Cara Mendelsohn
District 12 Dallas City Councilmember

Early voting for the Dallas Bond 2024 starts next week, Monday, April 22, running through April 30. Election day is May 4th. There are ten propositions, or topics, and you can vote “for” or “against” each one. Together, the amounts of each proposition total $1.25 billion dollars.

I wrote an editorial that was published in the April 14, 2024, edition of The Dallas Morning News that explains how, for too long, Dallas has relied on debt to address basic maintenance and improvements in our city, and it has to stop. These items should be built into our annual budget. Since that hasn’t been the management philosophy, we’re stuck funding these very needed items through debt, for now. And that has a cost.

Cara Mendelsohn

Because is niche-centered on real estate, this article will focus on the financial condition of the city and the property tax implications of taking on more debt as reasons to not support every bond proposition. Most CD readers understand that increases in property taxes affect everyone, from residential homeowners with a homestead exemption, to rental property owners who have no exemptions and indirectly pass on cost increases to tenants as an annual rent increase. Commercial property owners usually serve as a pass through on all property tax, insurance, and maintenance costs (triple nets), resulting in inflationary higher consumer costs. 

How much will the bond cost Dallas?

A bond election allows voters to approve the city issuing debt that will be repaid with interest for capital projects. Together, the amounts of each proposition total $1,250,000,000$1.25 billion — sometimes it helps to understand how big that number is when all the zeros are shown.

Is that the total amount of the bond?

No, that is just the principal. Like any mortgage, there is interest: the bond total, principal and interest, is $1.76 billion, an additional $510 million dollars. And in case you’re worried some projects may cost more than what was estimated, the city can issue an additional 25 percent of the cost for any project without voter authorization, meaning the total bond could exceed $2 billion.

According to the city website, our current total debt for the city is $3.5 billion dollars. That does not include $3.4 billion of unfunded liabilities for the Dallas Police Fire Pension Fund, and $1.2 billion of unfunded liabilities for the Employee Retirement Fund. 

So that is more than $8 billion in debt for our city before the bond!

Will it raise taxes?

The messaging to the public on the bond and in promotional materials from the media consultant and political action committee formed to pass the bond conveys the message that your taxes won’t increase if all the bond propositions pass. They literally say, “No New Taxes.” 

But is it true? No. In fact, the city’s website says otherwise

The text box below is available for each proposition, with different letters and numbers filled in for each.

The city estimates the taxes for this disclosure based on a residential home of $100,000, which Housing Department staff openly says in meetings is no longer a realistic price point in Dallas. Then they add an assumption that the property has a homestead exemption. Can you imagine what the real numbers are for the median valued home in Dallas, valued at more than $395,000 per city reports, or for rental homes, apartments, or other commercial property without homestead exemptions? Unfortunately, they don’t calculate the costs for those types of properties or scenarios.

It is possible that some bond debt will replace existing bonds that are expiring, thus there will be no increase. It is also true that if some of the bond propositions don’t pass, your property tax rate will go down. Debt service for the bonds is one part of the property tax rate, the other being the general fund. 

Starting this year for Dallas, there’s a cap on increasing the general fund portion of the tax rate, but not on the debt service portion. Without the approval to issue debt, the rate will have to decrease.

At the end of the day, it is your taxes that will be repaying each of these propositions. Is it worth going into debt to pay for all of them? 

My Recommendations

Propositions “FOR:” A,B,F,J; “AGAINST:” C,H (as in City and Hall)

There are propositions I hope the residents will vote “for.” They include:

  • Prop A: streets/transportation
  • Prop B: parks 
  • Prop F: public safety 
  • Prop J: information technology 

These items are necessary and postponement will yield higher costs down the road or could threaten our city’s future. Everyone seems to agree the roads need to be improved and outdated traffic signals replaced, parks need new playground structures that aren’t decades past their useful life; soccer fields that can be played on with smooth ground; recreation centers with lighting and security; and parks developed in areas where there currently aren’t any. 

The new police academy will train our officers in the latest techniques including reality-based and virtual training in a facility designed for this purpose, without mold. After our hack and loss of serious data, Dallas needs secure computer server storage for complex and important police and city data that is included in the technology proposition. 

The flooding and erosion (prop C) and housing (prop H) propositions are important, but I am against them because they can be funded in other ways, not requiring city debt. For instance, flooding and erosion projects can be funded by a revenue bond and added to your water bill (less expensive) and housing projects have more than a dozen different ways of receiving tax exemptions and financing through the federal, state, and county governments, as well as programs unique to Dallas. 

Many of the other propositions not mentioned include items that I support but could be absorbed into our general fund (operating) budget, if the city council would get serious about how tax dollars are spent. There is no reason to have to take out debt and pay interest on many of these items, and our city needs to reassess our role in providing services that are already being delivered by other government entities with your tax dollars. That’s duplication.


Mentioned above is the debt of two pension plans. The Dallas Police and Firefighter Pension plan is required to submit a funding plan to address the unfunded liability by November. The city council has been meeting and working to figure out how to reduce the $3.4 billion unfunded liability, along with increasing the annual contribution, but it is tricky because it will have a significant impact on our annual budget. 

Without knowing how we will meet this important obligation, it is imprudent to ask for the ability to issue additional debt. Several of us on the city council voted to delay the bond election until November, when the pension funding plan would be resolved, but we did not prevail. It is possible to bring items back to the voters if conditions change. Every proposition that is voted down allows the city flexibility until this outstanding issue is resolved.

Your Vote, Your Tax Dollars, Your City

Some of the advocates asking you to pass the bond don’t even live in Dallas, or they work for entities that will financially benefit from the bond dollars. Only you should decide what additional debt you want to take on because it will be your property tax dollars that pay off not just this bond, but all the other debt owed by the city. 

No matter how you vote in the upcoming election, I hope you’ll consider taking a greater interest in Dallas governance and be an advocate for city efficiency and improvement. 

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  1. Katrina Whatley on April 15, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    Did they use her name without her permission? Or am I missing something in the article?

  2. Harriet Holiday on April 15, 2024 at 1:50 pm

    Cara – I agree with you wholeheartedly. If up to me, I would leave the parks off as well. In my district 2, where one can barely find a street safe to drive on without blowing a tire in potholes, my representative thought that updating our park which had been updated in the last 9 years or so, was more important than streets, thus leaving us with our pothole haven. I know that there is no reasoning with the “Gang of Brothers” commonly known as the City Council. I tried once, got slapped down and realized that you cannot reason with this Coterie. I won’t invest my time or energy again. Disgusting display of slap on the back,” support me and I’ll support you.”
    When I saw the huge card come in the mail about the vote, making the average citizen think they were doing the right thing, I knew it was bogus, I knew immediately what I would vote for.
    It is criminal that the Gang wouldn’t take the time necessary to get the Policeman’s & Fireman’s unfunded pension liability resolved and delay the vote until November. I would never expect more of the council, and I will never be surprised by their counter-Dallas moves.

  3. Candy Evans on April 15, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Katrina, yes, they apologized later and said it was a “misunderstanding”. After sending out millions of cards.

  4. MB on April 15, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    Thank you Ms. Mendelsohn for an article written so that most people can understand about the massive impact this bond election has on the financial stability of Dallas both today and tomorrow. Like Ms. Holiday, I’ve always agreed w the thinking that parks can be deferred for now (except for safety issues).
    Unfortunately, I’m a realist. The American way, the Texas way, the Dallas way is now mostly to kick the can down the road. The council leaders and Mayors (present and former) can be found lounging in their resort-like backyard having their driver drop them off at the restaurant front door. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Dallas residents will be figuring out how to pay for the horrible mess left behind by the majority of current/former occupants of 1500 Marilla Street. I value your hard work and thank you for your time and service.

  5. Nyda Faith on April 15, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    In response to Harriet I could not agree more with our pothole haven AKA Dallas, TX. It is pure insanity to continue to purchase new tires, just recently all new control arms, suspension system (another $6200) for a car with 60,000 miles on it because “Its environmentally caused” according to the mechanic who did the work. He went on to state I never should have put $23k into a car that new but given the state of the roads in Dallas, TX that was the cause.
    Needless to say, instead of the waste, inefficiencies, and funding of heaven knows what they do put $$$ into, the citizens deserve for all roads to be pothole free given the ever increasing property taxes we all pay. Harriet you are so right on this topic.

  6. Barbara Hunt on April 15, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    Oh my Gosh- how I love transparency! And the person who has the ovaries to speak up, out, and honestly! Thanks for this Cara.

  7. janice on April 16, 2024 at 12:09 am

    I concur with Ms Mendelsohn’s positions in her article—very well stated. However, until people get involved and we have much more than the continual abysmal voter turnout in City Council elections, I fear that change for the better will not be forthcoming. And didn’t we have a bond election about five years ago that was over one billion dollars? Have those been paid? What does this mounting debt look like in the future?

  8. BW on April 16, 2024 at 1:12 pm

    Thank you Cara for explaining these proposals and your views. Also, thank you Candy for posting this information since most of us get a pay wall with DMN.

  9. Bonnie Tipton on April 18, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    You answered my question. What is the truth about NO NEW TAXES? Our property taxes are extremely high, especially for older, retired, residents. I will sell my house to the city for the appraised value. I would never get that price if sold on the market! We need you to help us understand the greed going on in Dallas. Thanks

  10. Mike Stapell on April 18, 2024 at 8:33 pm

    The message should have been sent and voting no, will send that message.

    The message is: not a penny of money should be voted Yes on, or spent until we figure out the pension funds, and that we have a plan for that.

  11. Bill Wilson on April 26, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    I agree with most of what Cara is recommending. The Meyerson Symphony center is one of the true jewels of our fine city. The acoustics are perfect and the architecture is magnificent. Unfortunately, it has a serious roof leak. The water is accumulating in the attic and could cause serious damage in the concert hall. Please help me preserve this gem even if it has to come via a bond issue. Vote for proposition E.

  12. Marie Freeman on May 4, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Do you want to know how the 2017 Bond funds were spent? The bonds always allow for the City to change how the funds are spent in each category.

    The City of Dallas and Dallas County both received SIGNIFICANT funds identified as ‘COVID 19’ dollars. Per the City website, there was over $940M received. A few examples:
    – Under Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds – there were $355M allocated, with $125M still remaining. What will they do with these funds?
    – Over $21,376,000 were allocated to Homelessness Assistance with approx. $1.2M remaining.
    – Look also at Community Development Block Grant – with $20,678,000 received and just over $4M remaining.

    Voters are historically ‘lazy’ (me included) who do not vote based on research and facts, like Ms. Cara Mendelsohn is trying to provide. We vote from headlines and sound bites. When we do this … it will always cost us. Do some research – encourage all those who live in Dallas and vote, to do the research.

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