What Lurks in the Shadows? Home Inspectors Know

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what lurks in the shadows

Halloween is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for an obligatory creepy column! And what is creepier than the things that creep in and around the hidden places in our homes: insects, spiders, and snakes (oh my!)? Home Inspectors encounter these foul creatures on a regular basis in their work, unfortunately, but they — along with the real heroes in pest control — are there to inform unsuspecting homeowners when there are creepy crawlies lurking in the shadows, so pests can move out before they move in.

Here are some particularly creepy moments captured by our inspectors in the field:

Killer Spiders

What Lurks in the Shadows

Nope, nope, nope. That’s a black widow. Nothing like innocently going about your pool inspection and encountering this not-so-friendly lady.

OK, I may have a bit of an irrational fear of spiders, but this is one of the more dangerous varieties. If you do see a black widow spider, chances are there are more of them, and you should call a professional exterminator. Black widow bites are rare, but can make you very sick, and can even be deadly if not treated. Black widows move very fast, so your best chance of trying killing one is to spray it from a distance, rather than boldly approaching with a shoe or something like that. They become agressive when threatened, and that’s when a bite can occur.

You can see the web in the photo as an example: they look rather like a silky mess and are generally located close to the ground. And now I’m pretty sure there are spiders crawling all over me, and I hate this column.

Let’s move on.

Haunted Hive

This would have been much scarier if the inhabitants of that hive were still living there, but just thinking about that is enough to give me the willies, especially since I happen to be deathly allergic to all stinging insects. Tip: wear gloves whenever you’re opening up the water meter, outdoor electrical panel, or any outdoor utility where an insect, spider, or other creature may have made their home since the last time you visited.

What Lurks in The Basement

“Ants? That’s not so scary,” you might be saying to yourself. You might think not think that if you’d been awakened to hundreds of them in your bed. That happened to me once, when I had an unknown infestation like this one. When ants make a home inside your house, they go looking for food. I may or may not like a late-night snack in bed from time to time. Don’t judge me.

If you’ve ever had an ant infestation, you know they can get everywhere, and they’re tough to get rid of.

Yuck. Moving on.

Snakes in a Panel Box

What Lurks in the Shadows?

It’s not as catchy as “Snakes on a Plane,” but if you’re the one opening the panel box, it might give you a jolt. (See what I did there?) Snakes and various other creepy crawlies often make their way inside the panel box during the colder months because it’s nice and cozy in there. See the above note about wearing gloves when you open these. This reptile may be resting in peace, but we’ve had plenty of encounters with the more vital, venomous variety of viper. When you see a (live) snake, it’s always best to step slowly away, try to make note of any identifying characteristics, and do a little research to see if you need to be concerned.

I hope I’ve given you the good kind of Halloween creepy vibes, and not the bad kind that has made you want to climb out of your skin and set fire to your house to get rid of any potential pests.

So before you burn it all down, if you’re concerned about what lurks in the shadows at your house, call your local pest control for seasonal service, and if you’re buying a home, make sure you have a home inspection.

Brenda Masse is a freelance contributor for CandysDirt.com.

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