Bohemian Bombay Beach Lifestyle Just $45K Away

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bohemian, California, beach

Yeah baby! Californiaaa. The land of milk and honey. Whoooo! I love California. The beaches, the California cool lifestyle. Yeah, baby! I am down for all of it.

And let me tell you, I have found my little slice of heaven in Bombay Beach. So what if Bombay Beach is 223 feet below sea level? So what if it is just one earthquake away from joining Atlantis at the bottom of the sea? The property in question costs $45,000. Ya hear that? Just $45,000! And people say California real estate is unaffordable.

Assuming Bombay Beach stays above ground, the potential for the value of this piece of property to grow in value is exponential. You see, the community of Bombay Beach is undergoing a revival of sorts with hipsters, artists, and intellectuals moving back and restoring the abandoned structures. It is becoming a bohemian playground. 

bohemian, California, beach

This vintage 1950s mobile home with add-on structure is located at 2143 2nd Street,Bombay Beach, California. It does not list how many bedrooms or bathrooms it has because it is most definitely a fixer-upper. You can have as many bedrooms and bathrooms within the 500 square feet as you want.

Now I know what you are thinking. “Is that Uhaul truck really going to take all the furniture that provides this place with its ambiance?” The answer is no. The seller is leaving some behind so not only are you getting the structures and land but also some furniture. At $45K, you are making money.

I love the listing agent.

“Talk about Vintage, Rustic Charm this place has it all day long taking that special person that sees and appreciates all of its days gone by and future potential.”

Just remember to bring a generator for any power tools you may need to do the required work. The listing agent added this little tidbit. “Electric is not on and if you want to preserve the existing structure you most likely will not be able to turn on electric as property will need to meet current building codes.”

The real question is, does a bohemian really need electricity? Seems antithetical if you ask me.

The kitchenette is located in the vintage mobile home.

You don’t see such a large amount of counter space in these new trailers. That is how you know this one is authentically vintage.

Come on, just one more picture to seal this deal.

You have a nice tabletop grill on the left, your commode on the right, and the property is fenced so you do not have to worry about someone walking away with either.

So who wants to go on a bohemian adventure with me to Bombay Beach? I have the perfect song to play on our drive.

For more photos go here.

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Mimi Perez is a freelance writer and photographer for who lives in the Elm Thicket/Northpark neighborhood located in northwest Dallas.

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