In Southeast Dallas, Bonton Farms Expands Their Mission From Food to Finance

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With a mission of sustaining systemic equity and civic progress, Bonton Farms grows so much beyond its garden.

What started in a small urban lot has expanded. Now, Bonton Farms includes two fully functioning farms, a farmer’s market, a café, and a coffee house. And as Bonton Farms expands, its impact evolves.

Recently, this local non-profit announced a new initiative, including an $11.6 M fundraising goal for housing, health, and wellness. They call it Project Gamechanger.

Huge Growth From Humble Roots

Daron Babcock

Daron Babcock is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bonton Farms. After moving to the Bonton neighborhood several years ago, he discovered lasting inequalities left from decades of systemic injustice. With a 48 percent poverty rate, residents lacked essentials like economic stability, affordable housing, education access, and more. Thus, Bonton Farms was born and after years of success, expansion is imminent.

“The change built in Bonton is a model for the world,” Babcock said, during the expansion launch event. “Our comprehensive capital campaign, Project Gamechanger, is the catalyst in helping us ensure growth, stability, and transformative change.”

Bonton Farms serves Bonton with new markets and shops.

As Bonton Farms Expands, Communities Evolve

Daron Babcock spoke with us about how this new initiative will shape other neighborhoods in Dallas. His vision is pretty simple.

“As far the domino effect this has on other Dallas communities,” says Babcock. “The path takes a different effect. Bonton is pretty much isolated. Developers say a highway is as much of a divide as a mountain range. And we have a highway, a railroad, and a river surrounding us.”

Also, transportation is a key deficit in the communities affected by generational poverty, making direct access to Bonton resources difficult.

“But this doesn’t mean the city of Dallas will not see an impact,” says Babcock. “Above all, when Bonton suffers, the entire city suffers, from the hospitals to substance abuse centers and resources to homelessness. By addressing the root causes of malnutrition, poverty, and crime in Bonton, we set a foundation for all of Dallas to excel.”

In addition, Babcock says resources like neighborhood markets, non-predatory financial tools, affordable health clinics, and housing are all on the horizon.

“What works for the world at large, might not work for Bonton,” Babcock says. “Therefore, we’re addressing our needs with solutions that fit our community.”

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Daniel Lalley is a freelance contributor for


  1. Kelly Pace Bradley on January 19, 2022 at 12:51 pm

    Love every aspect of BonTon Farms. Especially Daron Babcock. Without him, this would not be a reality. We need to learn from him and his BonTon project on how to help other communities.

  2. John S. Chiles on August 16, 2022 at 9:55 am

    I just love Mr. Babcock vision for the new boron community as a whole. His vision in agriculture easily helps him to see and understand the vision for growth and change. I would love to be a part of this awesome initiative.
    John Chiles
    One Design Construction and Development,LLc.
    (214) 791-6763

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