Some Home Inspection Reports Reveal DIY Fails That Will Make You Facepalm

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Some home inspection reports uncover big issues from DIY repairs. (Photo: Benzoix)

Every week, the detail-oriented folks at Green Scene Home Inspections will give readers an education in inspection. Want to see what they see? Tune in for “Upon Closer Inspection.”

In the home inspection business, most days have a few relatively clean reports,  and some with notable but common issues- nothing to write home about. But every now and then you get a doozy, and this week’s examples fall into that category. Here are a few #HomeInspectionFinds that you would write home about.

Crazy P-Trap

You might say this P-Trap is in cursive. Major DIY Fail.

This is a problematic P-Trap for several reasons.

First, you don’t want to use flex pipe in plumbing because sediment tends to get lodged in the ribs. Second, the pipe is curved too sharply to be effective. A P-Trap helps keep your home safe and smelling clean by trapping debris that has drained from the sink and preventing it from forming a clog deep inside the plumbing system, and further by stopping sewer gases from seeping into your home. 

You can see in the picture above what this handy device should look like.

HOT Water

Sometimes a home inspection will uncover truly dangerous issues.

The hot water on this sink is coming out WAY too hot. Anything above 120 degrees would be considered too hot for a kitchen sink, and the CPSC says that an adult would receive third-degree burns from exposure to water above 150 degrees for 2 seconds.

As Paris Hilton would say, That’s HOT. 

Faucets usually have a scald guard inside the head, and this one is either turned too hot or has worn down and needs replacing. If your kitchen sink water temperature needs adjusting, it’s a super easy fix you can do yourself, and you can find lots of videos by googling your sink brand.

(See, we don’t always say “Don’t DIY.”)

Remodeling Surprise

Have you ever heard of someone pulling out old carpeting or linoleum to reveal beautiful original hardwood flooring?

This is the opposite of that.

home inspection
Black mold is a huge issue for this homeowner.

This handy homeowner discovered a layer of black mold under the flooring, and will now have to tack on a mold remediation expense to that bathroom remodel. 

They Said to Change The Filter on My AC

So … LOL.

Our guess is either 1) They really thought this was a good way to filter the air coming from the vent, or 2) They’ve got some critters in the ductwork they’re worried about crawling out of the vent.


Here we have a major electrical accident waiting to happen. If you have an older home that hasn’t had the electrical system replaced or well-maintained, take a good look at your equipment, and think about having an electrician out to inspect it. welcomes articles and op-eds from our readers and brand partners. Think you have a great story to tell? Send us a note at [email protected].


  1. the_overdog on October 21, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    I bet for the hot water one, some dishwasher repairman came by and told them their water wasn’t hot enough for their dishwasher to work. I know so many people who do this. And most were wealthy enough to have newer dishwashers that heat the water, not older ones that rely on the hot water temperature alone.

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