Coach’s Corner: What is Your Superpower For Success?

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(Photo: ijeab via freepik)

By Mark Johnson
Chief Executive Officer, JP & Associates Realtors

Who is the greatest athlete?
Who is the greatest salesperson? 
Who is the greatest entrepreneur? 

A few names came to mind, but did yours? Your name can be on this list — read on. 

You see, one thing I know is each of us reading this today is just one habit away from being world-class.

Say what? Just one! Yes, just one. 

Dr. Rob Gilbert confirmed in his success hotline what I’ve observed over the years. Those that stand out take one habit to the extreme. 

When you experience a challenge, do you get frustrated or curious? Do you step back and aside or forward? Do you retreat and surrender or get more resourceful? 

Those that are experiencing breakthroughs don’t retreat in difficulty and challenge; they attack! 

Difficult: from frustrated to curious 
Difficult: from deflated to inflated 
Difficult: from dispassionate to passionate 
Difficult: from uninspired to inspired 

The one habit:

When things get difficult, you choose to get better, you take a step forward, you attack the situation to solve it in a way that supports your dreams and ambitions. 

You see, here’s what I know: The meaning we assign to things becomes the lens through which we see the world. This filter impacts our beliefs, actions, behaviors, and habits. And the goods news? You are in control. 

When we learn to take control of the meaning that we assign to our business’s events and circumstances, we become the authors of our own stories. Destiny starts to become a matter of choice, not chance.

For most of us, every chapter of our business has highs and lows. There’s no denying that. Yet, our moments of crisis can become the catalyst for a breakthrough; we learn to separate the meaning we assign to them. There’s perhaps no greater superpower.  

Your superpower is the power of choice. The ability to assign any meaning you choose to a difficult situation. 

Those that are experiencing breakthroughs don’t retreat in difficulty and challenge; they attack! 


Mark Johnson is the Chief Executive Officer of JP & Associates, a rapidly growing full-service real estate brokerage. He is focused primarily on productivity and service. He has invested nearly 25 years in understanding the inner workings of high performing real estate agents, teams, managers, and leaders in major markets across the world. In prior assignments, he served as a Business Coach, in progressive leadership capacities for the 5th largest US-based real estate brokerage firm, in sales and marketing leadership capacities for a major consumer goods company, and served a stint in the US Army, Medical Service Corps. He was recalled to active duty during Desert Storm. Mark is a father of 3, lifelong learner, Spartan, and adventure athlete. He earned his MBA from California State University and a Behavioral Change Certification from the National Association of Sports Medicine. Several years ago, he decided to make “One Helluva Move” and not play it safe. Since that decision, he has climbed the world’s tallest free-standing mountain — Kilimanjaro; completed the Spartan trifecta, the LA Marathon, and the world-famous Iowa border to border RABGRAI ride, among other crazy adventures.

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  1. Dave Hemer on February 1, 2021 at 10:20 am

    Another great article by Mark Johnson! I have the good fortune to start my day each day every week with a live Zoom call with Mark as he delivers great coaching, insight, and inspiration along with hosting world-class guests. It’s a small but great benefit of being on the JPAR team!

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