Patience Required in Navigating UK Real Estate Post-Brexit

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Chicken Little

We live in a world of Chicken Littles, whereby the reactions to the slightest events become magnified to outlandish and irrational proportions.

Mass shooting? Buy a gun.

On June 23, the UK voted to leave the European Union and the world has barely taken a breath from all the crazy it unleashed. Me? I take breaths. Reflexive panic is when mistakes happen.

Of course, there were different strategies needed for buying and selling real estate during the global recession. Regardless, panic served none well.

Sure there is opportunity outfoxing an ill-informed, reactionary mob, but within the topic of UK real estate, it’s doubtful any of us had a suitcase full of dollars ready to chuck at a property on June 24 following Brexit.

For the purposes of real estate, I’ll not comment on Brex-regret, hollow promises, and the current realities “Leave-ers” downplayed as inflated propaganda. Nor will I comment on “Leave” leaders now running for the door, including campaign ringmaster Nigel Farage.  They’ve chosen to “leave” their mess to others, being termed “rats off a sinking ship.”

Hop over to for the rest of the story.

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Jon Anderson is's condo/HOA and developer columnist, but also covers second home trends on An award-winning columnist, Jon has earned silver and bronze awards for his columns from the National Association of Real Estate Editors in both 2016, 2017 and 2018. When he isn't in Hawaii, Jon enjoys life in the sky in Dallas.


  1. Jon Anderson on October 7, 2016 at 10:53 am

    As forecast, news of a “hard Brexit” send the pound tumbling again, down another 7 cents today. As Brexit closes in, look for more drops. You may not be looking for a home, but each drop makes a UK vacation cheaper.

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