Now That Dallas is Pretty Much Clear of Ebola, It’s Time to Fret About West Nile Virus

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Remember to drain standing water to prevent West Nile Virus from spreading! Hopefully Councilmember Vonciel Jones Hill has drained her backyard pool. (Photo: Eric Nicholson)

Remember to drain standing water to prevent West Nile Virus from spreading! Hopefully Councilmember Vonciel Jones Hill has drained her backyard pool. (Photo: Eric Nicholson)

According to the Lake Highlands Advocate, two pools in the vicinity of 11400 block of Park Central and the 11900 block of Woodbridge have tested positive for West Nile Virus. Since then, Dallas officials have sprayed pesticides in Lake Highlands from Monday to Wednesday in hopes to curb the population of Culex mosquitoes, the only species of the blood-sucking vermin to carry the disease.

As the article notes, we’re actually showing a lot of improvement on the West Nile Virus front, because no one has died during this year’s peak mosquito season. Two people died from the virus last year, and 20 people died in 2012.

Of course, we here at CandysDirt seem to attract mosquitoes more than most  — it must be our sweet personalities! — so we diligently follow the five Ds :

  • DRAIN—all areas of standing water including changing water in wading pools, birdbaths, low pavement areas and gutters;
  • DEET—Use bug spray and protect clothing with repellents containing permethrin or DEET — I have also invented DEET-covered pantyhose!
  • DRESS—Dress in light- colored clothing with long sleeves and wear long pants even though it’s hot
  • DUSK/DAWN—Limit outdoor exposure at dusk and dawn when they bite the most
  • DOORS—Keep door and window screens in good repair. This is no time to let in unscreened “fresh air”



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Joanna England is the Executive Editor at and covers the North Texas housing market.


  1. Candy Evans on October 23, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Minute I go out they bite me, I have repellant in purse and car!

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