Spring-Inspired #HomeInspectionFinds

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The flowers are starting to bloom, little patches of green are showing on the lawn, and the pollen count is HIGH. Yes, spring is in the air (literally), and I am ready for it. So for this week’s Upon Closer Inspection column, I thought I’d go through our #homeinspectionfinds for the ones that really felt like “spring problems.”

Here’s what I came up with:

Spring Storm or a Bad Round?

Nothing says “spring” like a Texas storm, but in this case, the damage was from a much more pleasant spring pastime — hitting some golf balls. Yes, these golfers do need to practice their drives, but hopefully behind someone else’s house next time.

HVAC Oopsy

Have you switched on your AC yet this spring? Somebody skipped a step when they installed this nice new HVAC system. No, you can’t just “plug it in.” You do have to hardwire that sucker into the main electrical system for safety.

Spring Showers

A nice full-body spray shower sounds great after a spring day of fun in the sun. But many of them are designed so you have to get all the way in to turn them on — which makes it hard on a home inspector who has to test the drains.

If these #homeinspectionfinds remind you of any problems around your house, you can always have a seasonal home inspection to make sure your home is ship-shape for spring. Or, if you’re buying a home this spring, make sure to call a home inspector to avoid being surprised by the unknown.

Brenda Masse is a freelance contributor for CandysDirt.com.

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