Jeeze Louise

Need Your Input: How Will Detroit's Bankruptcy Affect its Housing Market?

By Candy Evans / July 25, 2013 /

Jeeze Louise. $18.5 billion in debt. Will city workers, firemen and policemen, get their pensions? Does the garbage get picked up?  This is a great piece by Morgan Brennan over at FORBES on how other cities that have endured bankruptcy are seeing home prices start to stabilize and inch up. Of course, that is happening…

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Thursday Three Hundred: Here’s Why People Move North — Clean, Cute, Brand Spankin’ New and $376K

By Candy Evans / February 9, 2012 /

I get it. I really do. ‘Specially after you see my next post. 8712 Argentine Way (Plano) is like a virgin home with 3881 square feet — Jeeze Louise that’s almost 4000 square feet, in fact you can just fudge and SAY “I have a 4000 square foot home”, I give you permission. Let it roll…

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